Friday, February 20, 2009

How to create Jobs

 America the Land of Oppertunities  with high hopes of making  a Good Living and fulfilling  American Dream. unfortunately  Day by its getting bad to worse .The job market ,the Economy, mortgage crises  Rising prices  to name a few . So now we are  group  of Individual who  have decided to join Hands together  and create awareness in creating jobs

In this Blog  all of us will try to post a job where ever we come across which we did not get qualify for or which we did not apply as we were not qualified for that position. 
Its like a Referral , its a non-profit gesture  for eg:  My Cousin is looking for a marketing Executive for his company  his number is 415-568-7722  Any interested candidate 
pls email  at

If  you  have job which u think  you can forward  it please post it here  and  you never know you can change the life of one person or one Complete family .

Thanks a lot 

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